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 Our services include


  • Youth, Civil and Family Court appearances.

  • Transfers between addresses and placements.

  • Medical and Dental appointments.

  • Transfer of Young people known to abscond or self harm.

  • Transport of Young People displaying violent/aggressive behaviour.

  • Hospital Appointments (Including 24 hour bed watch).

  • Acting as appropriate adult (Within Police Interviews).

  • Escort and supervision of home visits and family occasions (Weddings/Funerals)


        The welfare and safety of the young person is our priority and whilst under our supervision we need to be both interactive and supportive.

        Welcare escorts maybe called upon to support young people who have reached a crisis point in their lives through possibly no fault of their own. It is the responsibility of management and staff to provide a secure but compassionate attitude in order to help the young person through this critical stage .

         Our role as professionals is to satisfy the needs of our young clients and ultimately the Authorities involved in their care and protection.

         Welcare can offer teams of staff of mixed or same gender at very short notice in order to respond to clients requirements.We offer a 24 hour 7 days a week professional service.


         Dependent on the nature of the escort and the young person involved our teams can be commissioned in a number of ways;


            Driver Only

            Driver plus one Escort

            Driver plus two Escorts

            Driver plus three Escorts


         From experience we recommend driver and two escorts when transfering to or from a secure unit or if young person is considered to be of high risk.

         Prices are available on request. Please contact us with the journey details and we can provide an estimated cost of the escort. A minimum charge of 3 hours is invoiced as standard.

         To satisfy the needs and requirements of both the young person and service user is our paramount intention. It is our belief that repeat business stems from satisfaction and recommendation.





          Insurance fully endorsed by Royal & Sun Alliance plc.



                  Public Liability £10 million.

                                   Employers Liability £10 million.






     Health and Safety


     Policies are regularly updated and audited by an independant

         external body to the highest standard.





Secure Escort Services
Secure Escort Services
Secure Escort Services
secure escort services
welcare secure escorts
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