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Welcare Secure Escorts management have gained a wealth of experience during years of working within this very specialised role and employ a team of dedicated

loyal staff which many of whom are familiar to both Secure Unit and Local Authority personnel.


We provide a secure and non secure transport service for young people and are renowned for the level of our integrity. Experience combined with expertise enable us to provide our clients with a professional service whilst maintaining a personal approach throughout. Welcare Escort services can be tailored to your specific needs to provide a safe and secure service at all times.


Escorts are recruited and trained through a stringent in-house process assessing suitability and integrity and all undergo an enhanced level DBS background check.   All staff work within our comprehensive company policies and procedures which are regulated by an independant body and are trained in all Youth, Civil and Family court processes as well as Social Services procedure. We also hope to offer clients reasurance in that Staff are First Aid trained and YJB approved PCC restraint qualified in the case of any emergency.


In our role as escorts the young persons safety and welfare is paramount. In line with our commitment to high standards of accountability we encourage staff to raise concerns to management without any fear of reprisal on any internal or child safeguarding issues.


All our vehicles are covered by emergency breakdown policy, carry a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, blankets, pillows,and magazines suitable for young people. Vehicles bear no signs that identify them as being used for escort purposes. Our vehicles are serviced and inspected on a regular basis. Refreshments or meals will be provided during the journey (please note special dietary requirements must be provided by the service user at the time of the booking).



Complaints Procedure

Welcare are fully committed to providing a positive approach in dealing with any complaints or representations and any complaints will be dealt with in a constructive manner by our Managing Director who will involve the relevant authorities and personnel as required. We will acknowledge all queries within 48 hours and should any issue need to be investigated we will respond within 7 working days.

Any complaints can be put forward to us by telephone, post or e-mail.









 About us

Secure Escort Services
Secure Escort Services
Secure Escort Services
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